Quantum Computing: An Introduction
There are problems that even the most powerful classical computers are unable to solve because of their scale or complexity. Quantum computers may be uniquely suited to solve some of these problems because of their inherently quantum properties. This curated set of videos is intended to introduce the field of quantum computing with increasing complexity from one video to the next.
While the curated learning resources compiled by EPiQC serve to inform the general public about the topic of quantum computing, they are also designed to invite college and graduate students, as well as practicing professionals, to learn more about the field.
Get started by reading out EPiQC zines about the History of Quantum Computing and Quantum Computing - its current state and promise for the future!
Start with the facts! The Quantum Computing Fact Sheet is a quick source for up-to-date information about quantum computing - designed to help readers separate fact from fiction as quantum computers gain more news coverage.
Two Rules No Math
This short video offers a brief and non-technical introduction to superposition and the observer effect - two principles of quantum mechanics on which quantum computing is based.
Quantum Computing Expert Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty
In this video, a quantum computing expert at IBM explains quantum computing at 5 levels of difficulty through conversations with a child, teen, college student, graduate student, and a professional in the field of in quantum computing. With each conversation, quantum computing concepts are discussed with increasing complexity - beginning with a demonstration of the concept of superposition and ending with a discussion about myths related to quantum computing.
Additional related resources available from IBM at What is Quantum Computing?
Quantum Computers Animated
The promise of quantum computers is explored in this video through a discussion of how the bits of classical computers differ from the qubits used in quantum computing. Challenges related to decoherence and scaling in quantum computing are discussed.
A Beginner’s Guide To Quantum Computing
Problems that involve exponential scaling are problematic for classical computers, but quantum computers are uniquely suited to solve these types of problems. This video explores these topics, and introduces the IBM Q Experience which offers the opportunity for anyone to run operations on a real quantum computer accessible through the cloud.
The Mathematics of Quantum Computers
The video explores the underlying mathematics of quantum computing - including how quantum computers are able to solve some problems in exponentially less time than classical computers.
Research Challenges in Quantum Computing
EPiQC researchers are developing and delivering tutorials for professionals on the topic of quantum computation, compelling computation problems, and the ways in which computer scientists can contribute to this work.
In this video, Fred Chong opens the EPiQC tutorial at ISCA 2018 with an introduction to the field of quantum computing and the related research challenges. He also discusses the motivation for the co-design structure of the EPiQC Project. Slides from this presentation are available here.