Quantum Computing Industry Perspectives: The State of the Art in Quantum Machines and Software
Image credit: Kai Hudek at IonQ and Emily Edwards at UMD
Registration Link: https://iscaconf.org/isca2019/registration.html
Sunday 8:30aM-12:00pM, June 23, 2019
Federated ComputING Research Conference
Phoenix, AZ (Room 102A - West Building)
We invite you to a morning of talks from leading industry efforts in quantum computing.
Quantum computing is at a historic time with quantum prototypes on the cusp of demonstrating quantum supremacy and also on the road to practical quantum applications.
Confirmed speakers:
Kristin M. Beck, IonQ “Benchmarking IonQ's Quantum Computer”
Bio: Kristi Beck is a Senior Physicist at IonQ in College Park, Maryland. Her experimental work advances quantum computer hardware based on trapped atomic ions. Kristi received her M.Phil. from the University of Cambridge as a Churchill Scholar in 2010 and her Ph.D. in Physics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2016.
Craig Gidney, Google “Estimating the cost of fault-tolerant classically intractable sampling”
Bio: Craig Gidney is a quantum software engineer on the Google AI Quantum team, with a research focus related to reducing the cost of quantum computation. Team lead on the development of Cirq (Google's NISQ python framework).
Brad Lackey, Microsoft “Q# and its QDK”
Bio: Brad Lackey is a mathematician and computer scientist who joined the Quantum Architectures and Computation (QuArC) group at Microsoft Quantum in December 2018. Prior to Microsoft, he was a Senior Technical Leader at a U.S. Department of Defense research lab and Fellow of the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science. He is still an Adjunct Research Professor in the Departments of Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Maryland, College Park. He has broad research interests in quantum information science, including quantum algorithm development and quantum-inspired optimization, quantum error correction, (post-)quantum cryptography, and foundations of quantum theory.
Anne Matsuura, Intel “Leading the Evolution of Compute: Quantum Computing”
Bio: Anne Matsuura is the Director of Applications and Quantum Architecture at Intel Labs. She left her position as the Chief Scientist of the Optical Society (OSA) to come to Intel in 2014. Previously, she worked in Belgium as the Chief Executive of the European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (ETSF), has held positions as a senior scientist at a strategic investment firm (In-Q-Tel), as a program manager for atomic physics at the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and as a special assistant to the U.S. Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Laboratories and Basic Science. Dr. Matsuura was a researcher at Lund University in Sweden, Stanford University, the University of Tokyo, and was an adjunct professor in the physics department at Boston University. She received a Fulbright Scholarship to Nagoya University (Japan) and is a Fellow of the Optical Society (OSA). Anne received her Ph.D. in Physics from Stanford University.
Paul Nation, IBM “Quantum Computing at IBM”
Bio: Paul Nation is a theoretical physicist focusing on numerical methods for open quantum systems and high-fidelity quantum operations in superconducting quantum systems. He received his PhD in 2010 from Dartmouth College, and was a Postdoctoral Researcher at RIKEN in Japan. Before joining IBM Q he was an Assistant Professor at Korea University, and a Staff Physicist at Northrup Grumman. He is best known as the creator of QuTiP: Quantum Toolbox in Python.
Matt Reagor, Rigetti “System Design Considerations for Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Machines”
Bio: Matt Reagor is a Director of Engineering at Rigetti. His team is responsible for building next-generation quantum computers based on superconducting qubits. Prior to Rigetti, Matt earned a PhD on an IEEE fellowship at Yale, where he developed the first millisecond quantum memory for superconducting qubits.