2021 EPiQC Retreat


Friday October 29, 2021 (9AM-3PM CDT)

Monday November 1, 2021 (10AM-3PM CDT)

Agenda (Central TIME)

FRIDAY October 29, 2021 (Retreat DAY 1)

Overview / Dry run for Tuesday morning NSF talks

9:00-9:45 Overview, Tech-Aware Prog Env optimizations, Verification & Modeling
(Fred Chong) (draft slides)
9:45-10:05 Ion Traps: Tech Aware, Verification/Modeling (Ken Brown) (video)
10:05-10:20 Break
10:20-10:40 Tech Aware, Verification/Modeling (Andrew Houck)
10:40-11:00 Algorithms and Applications (Peter Shor & Aram Harrow)
11:00-11:15 Break
11:15-11:45 Education and Outreach (Diana Franklin)

11:45-12:00 Future Plans after EPiQC (Ken Brown) (video)

12:00-1:00 Lunch Break

1:00-2:30 Breakout rooms and social time on Gather.town (see instructions below)

  • Qudits/High-Dimensional Quantum (JCL 295)

  • Quantum Complexity Theory (JCL 291)

  • Quantum Optimal Control (JCL 296)

  • Quantum Machine Learning and ML applied to QC (JCL 292)

  • Quantum Programming, Verification, and Graphical Models (JCL 288)

  • Education & Outreach (JCL 283)

2:30-3:00 Report out on breakouts (in Zoom)

Monday November 1, (Retreat Day 2)

10:00-11:30 Breakout rooms and social time on Gather.town (see instructions below)

SLIDES for note taking

  • Near-term/Variational Algorithms (JCL 295) (Development, Challenges/Opportunities for improved tuning, optimization, simulation)

  • Quantum Advantage (JCL 291)

  • Quantum Applications and FT Algorithms (JCL 296) (Finance, Chemistry simulations, Optimization, Shor’s, Grover’s, etc.)

  • Quantum Simulators (JCL 292)

  • Quantum Hardware (JCL 288) (Ions, superconductors, photons, etc., Cryogenic Systems, Heterogeneous Systems)

11:30-12:00 Report out on breakouts (in Zoom)

12:00-1:00 Lunch Break

1:00-2:30 Breakout rooms and social time on gather.town

SLIDES for note taking

  • Quantum Optimization and Synthesis (JCL 295) (Combining approaches, Classically inspired techniques, Optimal gate synthesis)

  • Quantum Computing Education (JCL 291) (Prerequisites, Curriculum for understanding fundamentals, Public engagement and science communication, broadening participation eg blind )

  • Quantum Error Correction (JCL 296)

  • Alternative Models for Quantum Computing (JCL 292)

  • Quantum Communication and Distributed Systems (JCL 288)

2:30-3:00 Report out on breakouts


Gather.town Instructions

Link : https://gather.town/app/XSH5gsi5EphcQgMl/JCL

For best results, use Chrome or Firefox.

  • Sign-in/create an account with the email associated with your institution (@uchicago.edu, etc.) to access the space. Email Kate Smith (kns@uchicago.edu) if you have issues.

  • This space models EPiQC’s building on the UChicago campus, John Crerar Library!

  • To go to the second floor, navigate your avatar to the staircases at the top of the map and follow the arrows.

  • The mini-map at the bottom of your screen (next to screen-share button) will help you navigate each floor.

  • Press X to interact with various elements in the map

  • To interact with a person within close proximity, just put your avatar near theirs and start talking!

  • To interact with someone that’s far away, first search for them in the attendee list on the left side of the screen. Click on their name and options to send a message and locate on map should appear. When locating someone, a path will appear that leads to the selected individual in the virtual space.

Video conferencing Instructions/Links:

  • ZOOM EPIQC Retreat 2021 (Oct 29 & Nov1)


    Meeting ID: 965 5298 7496

    Passcode: 715451

    One tap mobile

    +13126266799,,96552987496#,,,,*715451# US (Chicago)

Useful Links