2021 EPiQC Retreat
Friday October 29, 2021 (9AM-3PM CDT)
Monday November 1, 2021 (10AM-3PM CDT)
Agenda (Central TIME)
FRIDAY October 29, 2021 (Retreat DAY 1)
Overview / Dry run for Tuesday morning NSF talks
9:00-9:45 Overview, Tech-Aware Prog Env optimizations, Verification & Modeling
(Fred Chong) (draft slides)
9:45-10:05 Ion Traps: Tech Aware, Verification/Modeling (Ken Brown) (video)
10:05-10:20 Break
10:20-10:40 Tech Aware, Verification/Modeling (Andrew Houck)
10:40-11:00 Algorithms and Applications (Peter Shor & Aram Harrow)
11:00-11:15 Break
11:15-11:45 Education and Outreach (Diana Franklin)
11:45-12:00 Future Plans after EPiQC (Ken Brown) (video)
12:00-1:00 Lunch Break
1:00-2:30 Breakout rooms and social time on Gather.town (see instructions below)
Qudits/High-Dimensional Quantum (JCL 295)
Quantum Complexity Theory (JCL 291)
Quantum Optimal Control (JCL 296)
Quantum Machine Learning and ML applied to QC (JCL 292)
Quantum Programming, Verification, and Graphical Models (JCL 288)
Education & Outreach (JCL 283)
2:30-3:00 Report out on breakouts (in Zoom)
Monday November 1, (Retreat Day 2)
10:00-11:30 Breakout rooms and social time on Gather.town (see instructions below)
SLIDES for note taking
Near-term/Variational Algorithms (JCL 295) (Development, Challenges/Opportunities for improved tuning, optimization, simulation)
Quantum Advantage (JCL 291)
Quantum Applications and FT Algorithms (JCL 296) (Finance, Chemistry simulations, Optimization, Shor’s, Grover’s, etc.)
Quantum Simulators (JCL 292)
Quantum Hardware (JCL 288) (Ions, superconductors, photons, etc., Cryogenic Systems, Heterogeneous Systems)
11:30-12:00 Report out on breakouts (in Zoom)
12:00-1:00 Lunch Break
1:00-2:30 Breakout rooms and social time on gather.town
SLIDES for note taking
Quantum Optimization and Synthesis (JCL 295) (Combining approaches, Classically inspired techniques, Optimal gate synthesis)
Quantum Computing Education (JCL 291) (Prerequisites, Curriculum for understanding fundamentals, Public engagement and science communication, broadening participation eg blind )
Quantum Error Correction (JCL 296)
Alternative Models for Quantum Computing (JCL 292)
Quantum Communication and Distributed Systems (JCL 288)
2:30-3:00 Report out on breakouts
Gather.town Instructions
Link : https://gather.town/app/XSH5gsi5EphcQgMl/JCL
For best results, use Chrome or Firefox.
Sign-in/create an account with the email associated with your institution (@uchicago.edu, etc.) to access the space. Email Kate Smith (kns@uchicago.edu) if you have issues.
This space models EPiQC’s building on the UChicago campus, John Crerar Library!
To go to the second floor, navigate your avatar to the staircases at the top of the map and follow the arrows.
The mini-map at the bottom of your screen (next to screen-share button) will help you navigate each floor.
Press X to interact with various elements in the map
To interact with a person within close proximity, just put your avatar near theirs and start talking!
To interact with someone that’s far away, first search for them in the attendee list on the left side of the screen. Click on their name and options to send a message and locate on map should appear. When locating someone, a path will appear that leads to the selected individual in the virtual space.
Video conferencing Instructions/Links:
ZOOM EPIQC Retreat 2021 (Oct 29 & Nov1)
Meeting ID: 965 5298 7496
Passcode: 715451
One tap mobile
+13126266799,,96552987496#,,,,*715451# US (Chicago)
Useful Links
presentation slides (pdfs) < >