Education and Outreach

If quantum computing is to realize its promise in the near future, it needs a community of researchers, engineers, and programmers to fill the research gap between theoretical algorithms and physical hardware, design and build the compilers, control systems, and hardware, and program new applications. A major goal of the EPiQC Education and Outreach team, led by Diana Franklin, Danielle Harlow, and Randy Landsberg, is to grow this urgently-needed community of computer scientists for quantum computing.  We target two populations - current computer science researchers who are not yet in quantum computing and the next generation of researchers.



We have two major types of learning opportunities. First, we have held a variety of tutorials (prior to the pandemic) co-located with major conferences in order to cross-train existing researchers in quantum systems research. Second, we have developed two EdX courses series, one for novices and one for more advanced learners.

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We have developed several types of resources for teaching students, whether it is an outreach activity or a formal classroom. These materials range from activities like exploring measurement by scientifically determining the flavor of a jelly bean for 3rd-8th grade students to zines (pamphlets) that can be handed out to general audiences to videos for high school or early college students. Our materials all emphasize real-world analogies, visual representations, and minimal math in order to build engagement and confidence in broad audiences.